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What is Reiki?

Reiki is an energy that works on the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Treatment results in the increase of one’s life force energy that brings the body back into balance, encouraging a healthier life.  The knowledge that energy flows through all living things has been part of the wisdom of many cultures for thousands of years.  When our life force energy is low, it impacts our wellbeing and overall health.

  • Relaxes and releases tension in the body
  • Clears the mind and improves focus
  • Breaks down energy blocks
  • Balances the Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Cleanses body of toxins
  • Improves the immune system
  • Clears the mind and improves focus
  • Helps you sleep better
  • Accelerates the body’s self healing ability

Reiki treatments can be done either by laying hands on or over the recipient.   It has been known to enhance feelings of peace, decrease pain and inflammation and leaves the client feeling lighter, looser and a great sense of calmness by the end of the treatment.  It can activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System which is out “rest and digest” state of being, and when we are living in this state, we can make better life decisions and enjoy the creative side of ourselves. Some clients have reported that they can feel their body detox in a similar manner as when they receive a deep tissue massage.


A Large-Scale Effectiveness Trial of Reiki for Physical and Psychological Health

The effect of reiki on pain: A meta-analysis